December 11th- Vero Beach, FL
We’re still floating around in Vero Beach (Sunday). Our original departure plan (Thursday) seemed rushed so we decided to stay through the weekend. Lynne had an art museum to visit on Friday. Saturday’s plan was to attend an excellent local farmer’s market. We filled up with fresh bread, mahi, shrimp, ravioli, homemade dog treats, and produce. As far as produce is concerned we find that spinach keeps for a long time on board and add it to many meals.
A few days ago, while sipping sun downers on deck, another cruiser pointed us in the direction to witness a rocket launch. The captain from SV Lupo was passing by at around the same time and explained different aspects of the launch to us. It was the first time we’ve ever seen a Space X launch. The rocket arced right over Vero. The whole thing was exciting.
Space X rocket with a payload of satellites.
Second stage separation. The second stage flew back to the pad while the first stage continued its trip to orbit.
Today we had a good friend over to Evergreen for lunch. We don’t often have company aboard. I spent some time cleaning the decks and getting the stainless steel reasonably polished. I resisted the urge to touch up the varnish. A good time was had by all and it was a nice way to spend our last day in Vero. I even learned a little “fancy” knot work. Much additional practice is needed. Our guest retired from boating a few years ago and lives in Vero Beach. We always enjoy chatting as he has an encyclopedic knowledge of boats and rigging. Before leaving he gave us a gift for the ship- his handmade rigging bag, filled with his tools of the trade (most of which are also hand made). To say we were deeply affected by this gift would be an understatement. Thanks.
We really enjoy Vero and could have easily spent more time. We’ll be Back!
Some scenes from Vero Beach.
Ollie also loves Vero. Lots of play time!
December 12th- Vero Beach to Jensen Beach FL
A while back we decided we wanted to moor Evergreen in Stuart for the holidays. We’ve not been there and have heard good things. Unfortunately, they don’t take mooring reservations. We called the office at Sunset Bay marina today and (of course) they are full. I thought we’d just anchor but the person in the office said there is no room. We abandoned that plan for today and grabbed a mooring in Jensen Beach. We’re going to take it day by day until I come up with a new plan. A mooring might open up. We might just go up the Saint Lucy River and see if we can find a spot to drop the hook near Stuart. Manatee Pocket is another possibility. Maybe, back to Vero? Who knows? We have diesel, food, water, and sails. The possibilities are endless (I hope).
Evergreen moored at Jensen Beach on the Indian River.