Little Harbour – Marsh Harbour

April 1st- Little Harbour to Marsh Harbour, Great Abaco Island, Bahamas

Time to turn around. Little Harbour was the terminus of our southern journey in the Bahamas. We didn’t get to dinner at Pete’s Pub but we explored most of Little Harbour and had a great time. Both my stomach illness and broken toe got better. Before leaving we visited the ruins of a lighthouse and walked the rocky cliffs.

Lighthouse ruins.

Sailing in the Abacos is an absolute joy. We only used the diesel engine to get in and out of the harbors today. While motoring out of Little Harbour I could hear the bottom of Evergreen’s keel just whisk over the sandbar. Maybe our departure was a little too close to low tide. Once again we were happy with our shallow draft vessel. Once out of Little Harbour we raised all sail and Evergreen got to stretch her legs a little. We jibed several times during the day due to the wind being mostly off our stern. All were very controlled and good practice for Captain and crew.

We’ll spend a day in Marsh to get some groceries, booze, and fill our water tanks. Next stop is possibly Man-O-War Cay.

Sunset at Marsh Harbour.

Little Harbour

March 27th- Black Point Cay to Little Harbour, Great Abaco Island, Bahamas

On Monday we moved on to Little Harbour. I had hoped for a few more days poking around various anchorages. There is a cold front moving through the area on Wednesday with brisk winds following it for a few days. Little Harbour is “little” so I figured it might be prudent to get there ahead of the rush so we could grab a mooring. Little Harbour is protected on all sides so is a good place to wait out some questionable weather.

Little Harbour is an interesting place. The community is off the grid and relies on solar power and rain water. There is Pete’s Pub, a gallery, a bronze foundry, and a few houses. The community was founded by sculptor Robert Johnston in the 1950s. He built the foundry and a few buildings. Apparently they also lived in a cave near by. His son Pete, started Pete’s Pub and is also a sculptor.

The Foundry.

The harbor is very scenic. Outside, there are many reefs which attracts divers. Inside the harbor is bordered by beaches and limestone cliffs. We went to the gallery but I didn’t photograph any of the work inside out of respect for the artists. The work was very detailed. I did photograph some of the bronze sculptures scattered around the area.

Bronze sculptures.

March 29th- Little Harbour, Great Abaco Island, Bahamas

We’ve been on the mooring a couple of days. There now are many charter catamarans in the harbor and it looks like all the moorings are full. We’ve had a few small squalls blow through. The rain has been brief so far. There was enough to wash some of the salt off of Evergreen’s decks but not enough for water collection.

We explored more of the area. I found the caves and we plan on checking them out. There is the ruins of a lighthouse we’d like to visit. Then there is Pete’s Pub. It looks like a very cool beach bar and I’ve heard the food is good. UNFORTUNATELY, I traveled all this way to eat at Pete’s Pub but seem to have contracted some kind of stomach illness. It came on rapidly yesterday and I hope it leaves rapidly. I am resting and fasting today. Tomorrow is another day! We put together a comprehensive medical kit before leaving on this trip so we have enough medications to treat a bunch of ailments.

The deck on the back of this house is shaped like the bow of a boat.

Amazing how this boulder is just balanced there.

Someone’s barbecue pit.

On top of a hill. You can just make out the boat masts in the background.

Finally! A picture of a sea turtle! We’ve seen many turtles and Rays in Little Harbour. In the same evening the Admiral managed to photograph this ray swimming by the boat. It was huge and had spots on its back.

Evergreen moored in Little Harbour.

Buckaroon Bay

March 26th- Tiloo Cay to Black Point Cay, Abaco Islands, Bahamas

Egg Sandwiches, coffee, Ollie to the beach. Today we sailed another 4 or 5 nautical miles south. The weather has been warm and sunny. The water is still clear but it’s been breezy everyday so I can’t see the bottom as well. We crept in to Black Point Cay, watching the depth sounder, and dropped the hook. We probably could have anchored in closer but we were coming in around high tide and if we got stuck…. It would be a problem.

This seems like a remote location but we’re still getting cellular service. We explored a small bay in Black Point and then headed over to Buckaroon Bay for the afternoon. We had our own private beach and went swimming. Ollie alternated between frisbee and swimming. We haven’t seen any sea turtles in the bay but we did see a big stringray. We’ve added more shells to our collection but haven’t located any gold doubloons.

Sunset at Black Point Cay.

Tiloo Pond

March 25th- Hope Town/ Elbow Cay to Tiloo Cay, Abaco Islands, Bahamas

Time to make a break for it! We fully enjoyed our stay in Hope Town but our time in the Bahamas is limited and there is more that we’d like to see in this island chain. The morning was spent, leisurely, getting Evergreen ready. We needed water. Saturday is garbage day in Hope Town, so I delivered a bag to the commercial dock. I was going to help out with hauling the Abaco dinghies out of the water but was late to the effort. My motivations were questioned (I really did want to help), but I did get to check them out better on their racks (forgot the camera). Eventually we got underway and exited the harbor after saying our goodbyes.

Another sunny day in the Abacos. We only had a short distance to go. I had two different anchorages marked for Tiloo Cay. At the first spot I was unable to get the anchor to set after 3 tries. Each attempt requires me to crank up our anchor gear and is a workout. I wasn’t looking forward to a fourth try so we set off for my second choice, outside of Tiloo Pond. The hook set right away and we are very pleased with the spot. Tiloo Pond is absolutely loaded with sea turtles. We drifted around in an attempt to get up close to them. We saw many but so far they have been unreceptive to being photographed.

We are the only boat here and are looking forward to a quiet night amongst the stars and turtles. There are a few houses on the island but nothing else.

One more picture from Hope Town.

Some scenes from Tiloo Pond.

Sea dog.

Evergreen anchored off Tiloo Cay.

Hope Town Extended

March 24th- Hope Town/ Elbow Cay, Abaco Islands, Bahamas

Sometimes a little networking goes a long way. Hope Town Harbor is still very full. Multiple boats drive through the harbor every day looking to pounce on the next open mooring. Since we are not the type of sailors to keep a vigilant watch for the next mooring, it seemed we’d have little chance of grabbing one. Hope Town’s moorings are owned by a few different entities in town. Lucky Strike’s moorings were rented out. The bike shop didn’t have any available. Hope Town Marina was full. That led Lynne to tracking down Captain Jack of Cap’n Jack’s Restaurant and Bar. He directed us to talk to the skipper on SV Noodin as they were having issues with immigration and might have to head over to Marsh Harbour to clear things up. We bought a six pack from Cap’n Jack and headed over to Noodin for sundowners. They were heading to Marsh and had a gift for us to drop off at SV Rhiannon when we see them. The next day we switched over to the mooring they were on and decided to spend the rest of the week in Hope Town.

We’ve had a good week. The beaches are a short walk or dinghy ride and Ollie is exhausted every evening. We had a nice lunch with Rhiannon at “On Da Beach”. Afterwards we went beach combing on da beach. I met the skipper of SV Antares. He’s been coming here for a long time and has been the voice of the Abaco Cruisers Net in the morning. He’s also an accomplished woodworker and has rebuilt two Abaco sailing dinghies that were originally built in Hope Town (photographs below). The other day there was a BYOB cruiser’s get together (for sundowners) at the Hope Town Marina near the Canadian Pool. Why is it called the Canadian Pool? It’s not heated. We met many different cruisers with a ton of Bahamas experience. We’ve already started planning Evergreen’s next Bahamas adventure.

Some scenes from Hope Town.

Lignum Vitae is the Bahamas national tree.

Abaco Sailing Dinghies.

This is a Marshall Catboat made in Dartmouth Massachusetts, our home port. Our first boat was a Marshall Cat named Iris. Small world.

Paintings at the elementary school.

Hope Town

March 16th to 19th – Hope Town /Elbow Cay, Abaco Islands Bahamas

On Thursday afternoon we sailed over to the harbor in Hope Town. We spent the morning hanging out on Tahiti Beach. The trip over to Hope Town was sort of a slow drift with occasional zephyrs helping to keep enough forward momentum so we could steer. We ghosted through all of the boats anchored outside of Hope Town. It was a fun and relaxing 3 nautical miles! We found Rhiannon’s mooring and tied up for a few days.

Hope Town is like a post card. There is very little evidence of the damage done by Dorian. It’s probably the most touristy of the islands we’ve visited. The harbor is surrounded by quaint little homes. Looking over the harbor is the Elbow Reef lighthouse.

The Elbow Reef lighthouse is the last manned, non-electrified, lighthouse in the world. It’s lens is hand wound and is fueled by kerosene. We’ve seen the lighthouse keeper up there, with a flashlight, lighting the lamp. Along with getting diesel and water, checking out the lighthouse was a priority.

Since arriving here Lynne and I have been wandering around the little streets and checking out the town. There are a few grocery stores. Captain Jack’s is a restaurant and bar right on the water, a stones throw from the dinghy dock. It seems to be a gathering place for the cruisers in harbor. The beach is a very short walk across town. There is a cruiser’s net on the VHF radio in the morning. The broadcast covers local happenings, marine weather, and other boat related news.

We’ll be here until Tuesday when SV Rhiannon returns. We’d like to get another mooring but it doesn’t seem very likely as the harbor is full. According to someone we spoke with, March and April are the busiest months. Besides the usual migratory vessels there are a lot of big charter catamarans around here. Some larger than our house!

Some scenes from Hope Town.

View off the back porch.

Elbow Reef lighthouse.

Kerosene tanks for the light. We are climbing the tower.

View from the top. It was pretty windy up there!

Evergreen is in the back row of this shot.

Evergreen moored in Hope Town. Elbow Cay, Bahamas.

For Sunday night into Monday we are expecting rain. We’ve had some showers move through the area today. I’ve been experimenting with different awnings to keep Evergreen ventilated while keeping the rain out. I’ve also been working on rain catchment systems to fill the tanks. I built a particulate filter, before leaving home, that filters down to around 1 micron. That, plus bleach, should keep the water pure. We also have another filter on our drinking water that filters down to 1/2 micron and removes the bleach taste. Sometimes Evergreen is like a big science experiment. It keeps me entertained.

Sunset at Hope Town Harbor.

Tahiti Beach

March 16th- Marsh Harbour to Tahiti Beach, Abaco Islands Bahamas

Captain and crew are living on “Island Time” which causes me to get behind on this blog.

We spent a few days in Marsh Harbour. The Abaco weather has changed a bit to a more winter pattern for the area. The definition of Winter in the Bahamas is much different than New England winter. We’ve had a few nights in the 60s F. Not quite as hot during the day. More wind has been present. We’ve had some storms blow through.

While in Marsh Harbour we had two squalls. I rigged our second anchor just in case we dragged. During the second squall we saw a boat dragging, out of control, toward docks and shallow water. All the boats were pointed to the southwest. When the squall hit all boats did a quick 180 degree turn and pointed towards the northeast. The crew were onboard but must have been sleeping. I repeatedly blew our loud airhorn to no effect. At about the time I was starting to jump in the dinghy, the boat right next to us started to drag it’s anchor. The wind was howling through the rigging. By this point I was more worried about Evergreen so decided to stay on the boat (the Admiral strongly suggested the same). Another good samaritan dinghyed out to the first boat and woke them up. Efforts were made to get the boat stopped and back in deeper water. Our dragging neighbor was also able to reanchor his vessel.

Every time I see this kind of thing it reinforces my opinion that a big, heavy, anchor and lots of chain is worth the extra effort. We also back down heavily on our gear after dropping the anchor. Sometimes I rip it out of the seabed and have to reanchor again. When the anchor is set, it’s SET (for now).

Marsh Harbour has a great grocery store (Maxwell’s) so while there we stocked up on food. We went to a liquor store (Packy) also. Beer was really expensive but rum wasn’t, so we got a bottle to offset our dwindling beer supply. When in Rome….

Some scenes from Marsh Harbour. Wally’s Restaurant is open. Looks nice. Might go for a special dinner next time.After the squall.We were ready to move on by Thursday but didn’t have a concrete plan. That seems to be a theme lately. Man O War is close but I wasn’t sure if the wind was going to switch over night. A problem if we were anchored out.

We broke out our anchor, and found a nice breeze blowing in the Sea of Abaco. There are a lot more opportunities to sail out here than the usual ICW stuff we are doing. We decided on Elbow Cay and tacked our way into the south breeze.

Hope Town has a nice harbor but all the moorings were full and there is no room to anchor. We moved on a little further to Tahiti Beach which is on the southern tip of Elbow Cay.

The anchorage at Tahiti Beach is pretty well protected with Elbow on one side, Lubbers Quarter on the other, and various shoals blocking the wave action. There is even a Tiki boat that shows up during the day to serve drinks to the folks on the beach. Ollie loves the beach and seems to anticipate the amount of fun he is going to have as soon as he sees one.

Some scenes from Tahiti Beach and the community near by.Evergreen anchored at Tahiti Beach.

We have some friends (SV Rhiannon) on a mooring in Hope Town. We got in touch with them to see if any moorings had opened up. Turns out, they are going to Marsh Harbour for a few days and we can use their mooring until they return. They’ll be leaving around high tide tomorrow and we’ll check out Hope Town for a few days.

Around the Whale

March 12th- Green Turtle Cay to Marsh Harbor, Abaco Islands Bahamas

Last night we got out for one last evening walk around New Plymouth. Being a Saturday night, it was lively in town. Many kids were playing around the basketball courts. A group of older, screaming, laughing, kids broke off from the group and ran up the road toward the Turtle Crawl Cafe. The TCC is a small cafe on Crown street that is only open at night on certain days. It’s been closed the whole time we’ve been here. They are the sole purveyor of ice cream on the island. They’ve been closed because the boat hadn’t brought any ice cream over.

I intercepted one of the running, screaming, laughing, kids.

“They have any ice cream tonight?”

“YEAH! They got ice cream.”

Lynne and I split a cup of fudge ripple. It was very good! It was also fun to watch this big group of local kids having a blast. Some were very curious about Oliver.

On our walk back to the marina Donny and his assistant, Mark, pulled up to us in a golf cart. He informed us that he had spoken to someone who was near Whale Passage today and it was bad. He told me to get on the VHF radio when I wake up and try to find out what is going on out there.

“Daaaahlings, YOU do not want to go through the Whaaale on a baaad day. You stay here till it’s safe.”

On one side of the Abaco Islands is the Atlantic Ocean. The other side is the shallow Sea of Abaco. There are also reefs around all the islands. Next to Green Turtle Cay is Whale Cay. There are openings on each side of Whale Cay where the water rushes in and out of the Sea of Abaco into the Atlantic. Behind Whale Cay is Middle Bar which has shallow, sandy, shoals that extend most of the way to Treasure Cay. There is a route through the shallow area but it’s difficult and if you get stuck you have big problems. Not really an option if the water is rough. As far as going around The Whale, through Whale Cay Passage, I was told to be very careful. It sinks ships. Disney tried bringing cruise ships through it but gave up on the venture due to the unpredictable nature of the sea there. So while it’s only a mile or two, we needed to take it seriously.

In the morning, I had heard a couple boats had made it through and it was OK. Good. Later, when we were preparing to leave, I got a phone call from a boat I had been in contact with the day before. He turned his trawler around and was going to wait and see if things calmed down. He said there seemed to be breakers across the whole passage. Indecision. Donny already had reservations for the slip but was willing to let us stay.

He said, ” Go out and look at it. If it looks baaad, come back.”

Good enough. We had a plan. We said our goodbyes to our new friends. We had homemade date squares for breakfast (a gift). Lynne also got this beautifully hand made doll from a cruiser on SV Sabbatical before shoving off.

Mascot 2. Ollie is still Mascot 1.

We made our way out of the marina and out of the harbor. Later we got another call from the captain of the trawler (Almost Heaven). He made it through and there were no breaking waves in the cut. We saw other boats going through. No problem. There were 5 to 6 foot seas but there was a long distance between each wave. Evergreen handled it well. We enjoyed the trip. Lynne took some nice pictures.

Whale Cay.

Tip of Great Guana Cay. Just after the passage. Pretty calm.

Other than some morning nervousness, we had a good passage to Marsh Harbour. We had a little sailing but mostly the diesel engine did the work due to a head wind.

March 13th- Marsh Harbour, Abaco Islands Bahamas

We’ve been to the public dock a few times but haven’t ventured far due to wind. I’m going to reserve my opinion until I get to know the place better.

Marsh Harbour is the third largest city in the Bahamas. According to my intel, it’s got a big grocery store with better prices than the out islands. Water and diesel fuel is available. There is a parts store. If you needed something shipped, this place is your best bet. There is a clinic should a medical issue happen. I believe there is an airport. I’ve seen taxis.

On the other hand it’s a city so there is some poverty and then there was the hurricane. I wish I could have seen Marsh before Hurricane Dorian, but it wasn’t to be. Many boats spent their entire winter here. There were many restaurants, stores, marinas, and houses along the waterfront. Marsh Harbour grew over a long time so it had the feel of an old place, which I can relate to. Hurricane Dorian wiped the slate clean. Marsh Harbour was hit very hard.

As a result of Dorian three tidal waves hit Marsh Harbour. Wave heights were 25 feet. After each wave, the water receded from the harbor leaving it dry. Winds were clocked as high as 280 mph. The sustained winds were 180mph for 52 hours. Not only were there hurricane winds, but Dorian generated tornadoes. 3 1/2 years later Marsh still has a “bombed out” feel to it. Green Turtle Cay and Hope Town had a lot of foreign money and aid coming in, Marsh Harbor – less. It still has a long road of rebuilding ahead. Some of the marinas and restaurants have come back. Others have not. There is still a lot of damage and ruins along the waterfront.

We are here to wait out some confused weather and get some groceries. Marsh Harbour is a little rough but so is New Bedford and I like that city. We acquired a “boat boy” today who helped me tie up the dinghy. His name is BJ. His tip covers services and dinghy protection. Ollie gave him a kiss on the dock, so I guess that is a good sign. I still owe him for today’s services.

This memorial was on the foundation of a house. The house was blown 1/2 mile inland. The 4 occupants were never found.

I got the Dorian information from this panel.

I’ll get some nicer (positive) photos soon.

Green Turtle Update

March 10th- Green Turtle Cay, Abaco Islands Bahamas

Evergreen is still tied to the dock at Donny’s Marina. We’ve been enjoying the warm, sunny, days. I think we’ve shopped at every store on this side of the island. We also found a hydroponic greens farmer. We had fresh salads and basil for a few days. We’ve made some friends who have showed us around. We found the Goombay Smash at Miss Emily’s Blue Bee Bar to be a delicious, if somewhat dangerous, drink. We each had only one. Two Goombay Smashes might cause vision problems – Three and you can’t find the boat. We were back at Two Shortys today for the BBQ chicken special. Lynne bought a cook book and we have integrated “peas and rice” into our evening repertoire. The important ingredient is canned brown pigeon peas.

Last Sunday Donny threw a pot luck party. A staggering amount of food was brought by all the cruisers in Black Sound. The Admiral acquired a bunch of potatoes and made a big batch of potato salad. While we enjoy solitude we also enjoy the camaraderie of like minded individuals. The band was a collection of boat gypsies (The Scupper Brothers). A good time was had by all. Ollie spent some of the evening on Evergreen but we brought him down to the party later on and he had a good time romping around with Mocha whom lives one dock down from us.

The Big Party.

Donny talked about some of the hardship of hurricane Dorian but also about the determination of the local populace to bring this island back to life. Donny had to have 180 truckloads of debris removed from his property. His family sheltered in the basement of his house which is on a hill. The family home was obliterated. His destroyed docks (and house) were rebuilt 10′ at a time. It was so overwhelming that the larger picture couldn’t be focused on. Everyone out here has a heartwrenching story. Over 200mph hurricane force winds for 48 hours with embedded tornadoes. I find it impossible to imagine. Everything was destroyed. Donny’s house. The whole town. Every dock. The police station. The post office. The churches. Every tree. What a horrible thing to have happened. They are still rebuilding. Some communities have rebounded better than others. Green Turtle Cay has done well.

Beach combing has brought some new treasures to Evergreen. With the help of the Admiral on SV Sabbatical, Admiral Lynne has acquired many colorful shells, sand dollars, coral, sea biscuits, glass, and other sea mysteries which I can’t remember the name of. They’ve also got a few “sea beans” which are actually big seeds that have traveled across the ocean from Africa. Even rarer, they found a “sea hamburger ” which is also an African seed. We are taking great care to preserve our treasurers in coffee cans that we have saved along the way.

On the other hand, the Captain has managed to find a big old bronze and aluminum windlass. I spent the better part of a day clearing out an area next to Evergreen’s diesel engine to store the piece of heavy equipment. I intend to bring this big hunk of metal home and restore it for use on Evergreen’s fore deck. A windlass is a winch for raising the anchor chain. Our boat gets lower in the water with each pound of cargo we add.

We are docked next to the crew of SV Modaki who have cruised the Bahamas for several years. They’ve helped us to upgrade our Abaco charts with many “Xs”, marking interesting anchorages. We have enjoyed our time at Green Turtle but are feeling the urge to press on and explore. The weather has been great but we still need to watch the winter patterns and pick the right days for transit. Sunday looks like the day and Marsh Harbor looks like the destination. We then plan on spending a few weeks poking around the southern Abacos.

Some scenes from Green Turtle Cay.

Green Turtle Cay

February 27th to March 4th- Green Turtle Cay, Abaco Islands, Bahamas

On the 27th we hauled the anchor and pointed toward Green Turtle Cay. Winds were light but we raised the sails, shut down the deisel, and had a nice, quiet, morning sail. Green Turtle Cay ( GTC ) came highly recommended. We were also informed by a few cruisers to get in touch with Donny on the VHF radio and he’ll take care of you.

We found out that Donny’s Marina was very busy and had no moorings available but could squeeze us onto his T dock if I could handle it. The first thing you can hear upon approach to the marina is Donny’s clear, commanding, voice directing traffic onto his docks. He’s like a cross between a preacher and an air traffic controller. I followed his directions and he skillfully had us secured to the end of the pier in no time. Evergreen was kind of hanging off the end of the dock due to a big catamaran filling most of the slip but he said we’d probably relocate the boat tomorrow. We finally filled our water tanks, took real showers, and generally celebrated our arrival. Both Admiral and Oliver are always happy to be on a dock (me to).

The next day we began to explore GTC and headed into the town of New Plymouth. New Plymouth was a Loyalist community settled by people who were loyal to the British government during the Revolutionary War. There are about 450 year round residents. The streets are very narrow and most people drive golf carts and other small vehicles. The marina is close to town but first you have to climb a hill and then you are looking down on the water front community. Just standing on the hill and looking down the narrow streets, we knew we loved this place already!

This is a firehouse where locals eventually sheltered during the devastation of hurricane Dorian. The mural was painted by artists to bring some cheer to the community.

First on the agenda- fresh Bahamian bread. There are a few different places that bake breads, pastries, and desserts in New Plymouth. What great choices for such a small community! We got warm bread, straight from the oven, at McIntosh Restaurant and Bakery. It was soooo good! We’ve since also acquired bread and baguette from Daily Bread Bakery which is also fantastic! If I had to give up bread and cheese it would be the end of me. There are at least 4 small groceries in town with another across the harbor. Since all have different supplies coming in (by boat) we pop into one or two a day to see what they have available.

Donny tracked us down in his golf cart and let us know that if I could wedge our 11′ wide (actual beam of 10’9″) into a 14′ wide slip space we could have it. Most modern boats are wider than ours and he wanted to fill the spot. Unfortunately, it was so narrow due two a very big (expensive and unoccupied) catamaran already in place. That leaves about 3′ of space to maneuver. Ouch.

We deployed all fenders on the catamaran side and figured we’d rather hit the dock than the big cat. There was some question of how I was going to maintain control and come in really slow with the wind off Evergreen’s stern. I rigged long lines everywhere. Several other cruisers came out to help with the maneuver. Donny calls this his Dock Dynasty. Donny jumped in his Boston Whaler and tied to our stern to keep control. We passed a 100′ bow line over the cat to another dock. This was for controlling the bow. I eventually lobbed another 50′ stern line over also. Donny towed us from our stern. The other boaters on the dock heaved away. Donny fired up the Boston Whaler and pulled the stern where it needed to be. He was the conductor in this orchestration. I started Evergreen’s diesel. Donny told me to shut it down (I did). I ran around, tossing lines, then prepared to fend off the catamaran. Lynne was in charge of the spring line (the brake). A few minutes later we were safely tied to the dock without touching dock or big cat. I thanked everyone for their efforts. What a friendly, welcoming, place to spend some time! The rest of the day was busy with boats coming and going. I helped tie up several boats in the afternoon. I think that maybe I am part of the “Dock Dynasty” now. We have made several friends since docking at Donny’s.

We’re still enjoying GTC. We either go in to town or head over to Gilliam Bay Beach for a swim. Ollie has a Bahamian girlfriend who lives near the beach named Lady. They play chase and follow each other around. He enjoys the swimming as much as we do. It’s been hot and sunny every day.

We’ve been to Sundowner’s for a sundowner and music. The other day we were invited to Two Shortys for lunch. Barbeque chicken, peas and rice, coleslaw at $7 a plate. Can’t beat that! It’s one of those little places the locals go to. Delicious food. Can’t wait to go back. Today Lynne went beach combing. She found a sea bean and some of the most colorful shells I’ve ever seen. Did I mention that we are really enjoying ourselves?

Some scenes from Green Turtle Cay.

Loyalist Park.

Gilliam Bay.

One of those dots is Lynne. The water is shallow far out into the bay.