My old sailing site was hacked. The company that hosted it, for the past 5+ years, wouldn’t really help me much so I decided to migrate over to new servers. Unfortunately, I was unable to figure out how to import all of the pictures so this might take a while to complete. I am getting Catalpa ready for the season and have installed some new gear. Launch date is June 10th.
Author Archives: brian
Back at Home Base
Sailed from Cuttyhunk back to Padanaram Harbor today. Sunny with light winds. We motored about 50% of the day which has seemed to be about the average for the whole trip.
I’ll fill in some of the blanks later. We had no WiFi after Provincetown and I didn’t keep up with my electronic log but we have our log book and lots of photos.
Saturday August 25th
Still hanging around P-Town. Friday night was verry busy. We’ve been going into town mostly in the morning before the crowds pile in.
Very, very dog friendly place. Lots of Dogs playing on the beach. Skip is allowed in all of the stores and is often greeted with a bisket and bowl of water. Went shopping this morning and didn’t bother feeding him as we new there were lots of biskets to be had. Eventually we even made it toi a gourmet dog bisket store and he had some home made treats.
Leaving tommorow morning for Onset (South). May head back through Woods Hole to Martha’s Vinyard again after Onset. We haven’t decided yet.
Wednesday August 22
Onset to Provincetown
Left Onset around 8:00 am. Shot through the Cape Cod canal like we were on a freeway. Made around 9 knots with the current. This is almost 2x faster than we are usually traveling!
Big moment. We’ve made it to Cape Cod Bay. So far all of our sailing has been in Buzzards Bay and Vinyard Sound.
Light winds in Cape Cod bay. Spent 2 or 3 hours sailing upwind but made a lot of leeway. It’s about 20 miles. Since we didn’t want to get to P Town too late we fired up the engine. Motored for around 2 hours and got to port. Ran well. Zero wind by the end of the day with a flat sea. Province town seemed like a different continent when it came out of the haze. Had Chicken Korma for dinner.
Staying here for a few days. May begin to travel south again Sunday.
Tuesday August 21
Sailed from Padanaram Harbor to Onset. Big day for us as we’ve never traveled down that side of the bay. Nice sailing. Wind was behind us so we poled out the jib and tied out the main, wing on wing. Made it as far as the entrance to Hog Island channel, which is the entrance to the Cape Cod canal. The harbor patrol came out to inform us that we needed to turn on our motor. He also advised us to drop sail if we were going to stay in the channel. We followed advise. This part of the trip was a bit stressful. We were going into Onset due to the canal current was running against us. Plan being to leave tommorow morning with a fair current. Getting into Onset with an opposing current was tough. Barely made 1.5 knots going in.
Got into Onset tired. Went to Mark Anthoney’s for dinner. I had pizza. Lynne had a lobster roll. Great place. Nice town. Going back.
Padanaram Harbor (Home)
My outboard motor is running but my lawn tractor just broke! I gotta get back on the water.
Loaded up Catalpa. If the weather is favorable we are going to sail over to Onset tomorrow. I think we’re going to sleep on the boat tonight if I can tie up a few loose ends around here.
Vinyard Haven – Padanaram Harbor
The boatyard got a new carburetor for our outboard engine so we decided to sail back home to pick it up.
Motored all the way down Vineyard Sound due to light headwind. As soon as we reached Quick’s Hole the South West breeze picked up. Shut down the motor and raised all sail. Headed due North. Finally some nice sailing! 1 minute after raising the main I decided it needed a reef. Managed to blowout one of the reefing blocks but had a great sail home.
Going to stay here for a couple of days. Need to do laundry, re-provision, and get more ice. It’s raining so we’ll wait until things clear up. We’ll probably head back out on Monday.
Also- I just added about 100 photos to the 2012 gallery section.
Oak Bluffs
Martha’s Vineyard has great bus transportation so we took the bus over to Oak Bluffs again today.
Today was the “Grand Illumination” of the gingerbread houses that surround the Tabernacle. Beautiful. Wish I had my tripod for better night shots. Managed to get a few pictures that aren’t too blurry. All of these tiny little houses had thousands of lanterns lit up on them.
Had dinner at Offshore Ale again. Love the stout beer they have over there.
VH Monday
Monday August 13
Sunny day in Vinyard Haven Harbor. This morning we managed to get most of our bedding and damp clothing up on deck to dry. Lynne did some swimming while I lounged around and read a book. Cleaned house and went to shore. Going to look for some y-fi to check email and maybe upload some of this log.
Grilling burgers on deck this evening. Tommorow we may take the bus over to Oak Bluffs to check out Offshore Brewery.
Current plan is to head back home on Wednesday to pick up the outboard. If it’s not done we’ll stay here a few more days.
Vinyard Haven Sunday
Sunday August 12th
Got a mooring inside of the breakwater this morning. Yay!
Friday night was crazy. Big storm rolled through. We battened down the hatches and waited it out. I tried to bring Skipper in to shore at one point but he became very frightened during the row in so I aborted the trip and returned to Catalpa. After the storm blew itself out (around 8:00pm) we had a new problem. For some reason the left over breeze blew all the boats sideways to the rollers coming in from the bay. Roller-coaster ride. Every single thing that was not properly secured was tossed around the boat. Drank wine, listened to music, and laughed (no fillings rattled loose). Things calmed down later and we had a good night sleep.
Basicaly the weather has been pretty mixed since then. It seems like every few hours a squall blows through. We close up the boat. Squall ends, and we get a dryer SW wind blowing through (open boat and dry stuff out).
Yesterday (Saturday) we went into town for ice and a civilized meal. Had dinner at the Black Dog Tavern. Half a rack of ribs and a lobster roll. Excelent meal.
For the past few days (regardless of weather) we’ve been watching these guys with giant kites on some sort of waterski boards. Amazing. At times they must be doing 50-60mph. During the storm, one skier was going so fast that he was throwing out a 10′ rooster tail behind him.
We like our spot in the harbor. It is well protected and close to the shore. It makes getting Skip to shore (bathroom breaks) easier. Vinyard Haven is a very busy little town so there is always something to see. Lots of pretty boats also.