As I alluded to in my earlier post, I’ve been having some issues with our 27 year old Universal engine. Every year I spend a considerable amount of time and boat dollars trying to get it to run properly. I’ve learned a lot about diesel engines in the process. Last year, while replacing the exhaust, I broke the manifold. Unfortunately the manufacturer no longer carries the part. This got me thinking about what other parts will I not be able to obtain in the future?
We had the broken manifold brazed by a welder in New Bedford. Then re-machined so the exhaust would fit back on. Unfortunately, it was also cracked internally and had antifreeze leaking into the exhaust portion of it. This I repaired with JB Weld and some other exhust goop. It held for the summer but I’ve been told by several mechanics that eventually I’ll have a problem again. We plan on taking Catalpa down the ICW someday so we made the decision to repower. The decision was not made lightly as a new engine is very expensive and our Universal starts every time I turn the key.
We went to the Newport boat show and bought a Beta 14 engine. They are made in England and are manufactured from a Kabota block.
From October 1-3 I spent my time disconecting the old engine and getting it prepared to be pulled out through the hatch with a crane.
I used the main sheet block and tackle along with the boom vang to haul it out of its hole.
I constructed a wood platform to put the engine on in the cabin saloon.

A very helpful tool in this process was a basketball. The weight of the engine obviously made it very difficult to move. I deflated the basketball, put it under the engine, and re inflated it. This lifted the engine up enough (off of the beds) to pull it forward.
It worked great. I was surprised by how smoothly the whole process went. Nothing damaged and only a few bruises.