
November 6th- Georgetown, SC

“No plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the main enemy forces.” Helmuth von Moltke

A statement that can apply to many situations. Perhaps replace “the main enemy forces” with “Georgetown” or “reality.”

We’re still in Georgetown. The original plan was to stop here, do some laundry, get some shrimp, then get going down the ICW in a couple of days. The weather is warm (actually hot), the marina is really nice, Georgetown is one of our favorite towns on the ICW. The Harbor Walk Marina is right in the middle of the historic district. Plans change.

Also influencing our desicion- a tropical weather system developing over the Bahamas. We don’t expect to get the storm but high winds are predicted for a few days.

Evergreen remains at the dock and will likely be there for most of next week. Shore leave!

Lynne and I (with Ollie) have been touring the half dozen or so museums within walking distance.

Admiral’s pictures and notes.
Kaminski house.

Traditional Charleston style garden.

Vessel dated 1730 found at Brown’s Ferry and restored/ preserved by USC Columbia. Thought to have been transporting a load of bricks when it sank.

We spend our days wandering around and seeing the sites. Today’s big event was stopping at the ice cream parlour. Oliver is generally exhausted by the end of the day. Most of the shops, restaurants, and museums are dog friendly so he is busy all day. After dinner we go for an evening walk on the boardwalk. Ollie attracts much attention from patrons at the various bars along the way.

All’s well in Georgetown.

Some scenes from Georgetown.

The live oaks are stunning.

I have been informed that if I try to sustain myself with only shrimp and beer I will be inflicted with gout.

A small part of the huge steel mill at the end of the harbor (closed).

Evergreen still tied up at Georgetown.