March 2nd- Boot Key Harbor, Marathon FL
We’ve spent another week lounging around in Boot Key Harbor. Notable happenings- Diesel Don broke the record for the longest BKH cruisers net broadcast (2 hrs and 23 minutes). These morning broadcasts generally run an hour or less. Also of note, Oliver has caught his frisbee 1000 more times.
Zeroing in….
He is pleased with today’s performance.
On the subject of Oliver, he has an island girlfriend (Sophie). We can’t get within 100 yards of her without him crying and yelping. They love to wrestle. She’s a little bigger than him and tires him out (a seemingly impossible task).
They just roll around when they start getting tired.
We had planned to head over to Key West at some point but the days have been too breezy for the anchorage area. The other option is a marina but they are very expensive. I’ve been watching the weather and the calendar. We feel it’s time to head back to the main-land again. Today was supposed to be departure day. The wind was blowing 15 to 20 out of the east this morning. We have to go east before turning north. That would put the wind right on the nose. A difficult day for a sail boat. Tomorrow is going to have a more southerly component to the wind so tomorrow is The Day. The extra day of rest was appreciated as it was difficult to get Catalpa ready to sail again. She’s now loaded with food, water, booze, propane, ice, and diesel. The hull has grown some barnacles and sea weed in the warm waters of the Keys. I might throw a mask on and try to scrape some of it off in one of the anchorages along the way. If that doesn’t work out, we’ll hire a diver again up in Vero Beach.
We’ve been in Boot Key Harbor for over a month and a half. We made many friends and will miss them. We’re also going to miss the Rumbrella Regatta. This is a dinghy race where umbrellas are the only form of propulsion and an oar, the only steerage. The prize: a bottle of rum. I’m sure all umbrellas are sold out on the whole island. We’ll be back someday with several umbrellas. This whole trip has been a life changing experience for us.
The amphitheater at the park where Ollie may, or may not, play (no dogs allowed). Lynne takes yoga there in the morning.
Dad, can we kidnap Sophie?
We were serenaded with many conch horns tonight. We believe they were practicing for the Regatta.