September 27th – Dartmouth to Cuttyhunk Island MA
We spent the better part of the day shutting down the house and packing food into Evergreen. I also needed to replace our mooring ball with the winter stick. We made it through the Padanaram Bridge at 3:00 and decided Cuttyhunk would be a good destination for the evening. It was a brisk sail over. We anchored in the pond around 5:00. The evening was spent sorting gear before dinner and sleep.
September 28th – Cuttyhunk Island MA to Block Island RI
The wind kept up all night but the harbor is well protected. Oliver and I went for a quick walk on the island before hoisting the dinghy up on deck and cranking in the anchor. It’s going to take me a few days to get used to the additional morning exercises. Lynne and I eventually develop a routine, it just takes a little while.
The sail over to Block Island could best be described as “salty”. The wind was behind us and we charged along with the waves. Since we were running downwind we sailed with just the Genoa up. We also had the diesel running for speed and control. The wave heights increased the closer we got to Block. We pounded through some of the largest waves we have encountered in the vicinity of Block Island’s North reef. I’d be willing to bet that a lot of ships were destroyed on that reef during winter gales. After rounding the reef the seas calmed down.

Block Island North Light

Exercise time at the beach.
We pulled into the harbor at Block Island around 3:00 and anchored. During the trip over, every loose item in the boat was thrown around. Ollie wedged himself into my berth and was happy to be back in calm water. Besides getting various cuts and bruises I managed to hurt my back. It’s happened often enough that I should see it coming. Perhaps if I exercised more and stretched, when not sailing, I’d be less damaged. We all went in to shore for some R and R on the beach.

Evergreen anchored in Great Salt Pond, Block Island
September 29th – Great Salt Pond/ Block Island RI
Last night we started off with an almost full moon but later on clouds and rain moved in.
We consulted with our weather sources and realized a few things. The wave heights would most likely increase today (Friday) and Saturday. The forecast also mentioned 100% chance of rain, measuring inches. In addition to those challenges, my back is sore and could use a little time to recover. We made the decision to stay in harbor for a couple of days. Things will likely clear up on Sunday and we’ll continue on to Connecticut or Long Island. We didn’t make it very far this week but at least we are moving.