Back in Florida

November 25th- Jekyll Island, GA to Fernandina Beach, FL

One dominant feature for today’s trip; fog. New England fog. Pea soup fog. According to NOAH, “dense fog.” We hauled up our anchor from Jekyll Creek when there seemed to be a break in the fog but it was only momentary and soon thickened up again. Navigation through Saint Simon Sound was difficult. We could only see the navigational buoys when Evergreen was right on top of them. I ran the radar for a while but it only proved to be a distraction. I haven’t used it since we’ve bought the boat. The Captain needs to study the manual. Navigation through the sound was by GPS and compass course. There are a few tricky turns, currents, and shoals to deal with. We never saw Cumberland light or the island, for that matter, while in the sound. It was a couple hours into the voyage before we saw any land.

Not much to see this morning.

By noon we had better visibility.

Kings bay Submarine base.

We anchored near Fernandina Beach for the evening. There are many more boats here than our last trip. I lost track of all the mast lights lit up at night.

November 26th- Fernandina Beach FL

Today was another day in harbor. The weather is still damp and grey but warm. We went to a farmer’s market and secured some fresh bread. Hit the fish market for some red snapper. We also managed to find a slice of pumpkin pie for later. The downtown area has a lot of shops where we found a few other items and met with friends for lunch before hauling our booty back to Evergreen.

Some scenes from Fernandina Beach.

Replica of the Trinidad, Magellan’s flag ship.

Evergreen anchored on the Amelia River, Fernandina Beach FL