Savannah to Jekyll Island

November 20th- Turner Creek/ Savannah to Crescent River GA

Today was a mostly cold and grey day. Evergreen piled on the miles. I piled on many layers of clothing. Lynne made coffee, tea, chili, and espresso at various points during the day. Warm food, fluids, and caffeine, help to keep this mariner going.

We went through a very shallow spot at Hell Gate. If it wasn’t a problem area it would probably have a nicer name. The day’s highlight was motor sailing up Sapelo Sound at 9 knots. The big tides around here create a lot of current. I generally try to push Evergreen along as fast as she’ll go. For portions of the day the tidal current runs against us so I try to make up for it when wind and water are helping.

We anchored on the Crescent River for the evening. Our last trip we were the only boat. Tonight we are one of seven. The River is big so finding a spot wasn’t difficult.

Evergreen anchored on the Crescent River.

November 21st- Crescent River to Jekyll Island GA

We were again up with the sunrise and moving south once we got the heat and coffee going.

400,000 acres of Georgia Salt Marsh.

On this trip I’ve taken my coastal navigation up a notch or two. I’m still using the “Books of Bob” to plan. I’ve been able to download the Bob423 tracks to my Samsung tablets. Bob has used Army Corps of Engineers surveys to find deeper water where there seems to be none. He takes his boat south every year and publishes the track. While coasting along I use a Garmin GPS. I also have one pad running Aquamaps and another running Navionics Sonar chart. All three have slightly different chart information. We traversed the Little Mud River at close to high tide so had no problems there. On the other hand we went through Jekyll Creek at dead low tide (poor planning). Using Bob’s track I was able to keep Evergreen in mostly 5 feet of water. We only draw 3′ 9″ with our centerboard up.

We are going to stay in Jekyll Creek for a day or two. Ollie had a “malfunction” so we, once again, have some laundry to do. We enjoyed the Island on our last stop. There is a decent market in town. It is warmer. Hopefully we get some sun today. The low sun and grey clouds are not conducive to good pictures.