
Things are starting to look a little better. Over the past few days I did a ton of sanding and fairing. My longboard is now welded to my arm and my finger tips are sanded off. I could have done some more filling and fairing but I decided to call it “DONE”.

For primer, I decided to use “Interlux Interprotect 2000E with micro plates”. Try to say that 10 times fast. It’s not really a traditional top sides primer. It’s normally used under the waterline as a barriercoat to prevent osmotic blistering. I liked the big name and the fact that it is billed as a barrier coat. It’s a 2 part epoxy with some heavy duty solvents. I’ve had to where a respirator while working with it.

It took quite a while to get all of the dust off of Catalpa. I bought a new HEPA filter for my shop-vac and wiped her down with alcohol several times. I rolled the decks and painted the cabin house with a good brush. The first coat covered all of the cracks in the deck. I intend to get at least three coats over all of the critical areas.

The taping took more time than the actual painting. My co-captain took over the taping duties so I could get away from it for a little while.

The primer is going down fairly smooth. I’ve had to add extra solvents to it due to the heat. Once this is done, it’s back to sanding again. Then onto gloss paint.